Description:Amga Web Interface
Abstract:This work is focused on the effort to design and develop a Standard Java API to access the Grid Data and Metadata services easily and provide at the same time a powerful Object Oriented framework to allow engineers and programmers to embed Data and Metadata features inside their own application quickly, using a standard approach based on design patterns. On top of this framework we also built a Web Interface that allows users and administrators to manage the Metadata Catalog from any platform according to X.509-based credentials.
The main activity regarding the extension of the gLite middleware is the realizzation of a software platform (written 100% in Java), that allows developers in writing application Data Grid Oriented. This platform provides both a set of low level APIs for each Data and Metadata Service and a super interface (built on top of them), that hides the fragmentation and the different syntaxes of the single access protocols. In this way (also thanks to the adoption of several Standard Design Patterns), the Grid Storage Service is accessible in a very uniform mode. Morover, the Java technology make all these services available from every Operative System supporting Java Virtual Machine independently from the gLite middleware itself.
The low level APIs follow the Standard Client/Server architecture based on TCP/IP protocol ensuring a very fast connection and data exchanging. The main idea is just to offer to the developers the basic building blocks as well as the object model to map any logical entity to a java class and the configuration, connection and execution objects in order to realize a communication environment with all the Grid Data Services.
The high level framework is designed to be a plug-in for general purpose applications that adopt metadata on Grid. Its designs covers several Object Oriented Design Patterns (Singleton, Strategy method, Factory method, Template Method, Iterator and Composite), that make the module enough generic and adop

Last updated:2010-05-01