Description:The BaSTI Database
Abstract:An important and quite suitable application of Grid computing resources is provided by Stellar Astrophysics and, in particular, by stellar evolutionary computations. The availability of extended set of stellar models is a fundamental requirement for a wealth of astrophysical problems as, just for quoting an example, the possibility of retrieving the Star Formation History (SFH) of galaxies.
The SFH of galaxies is a fundamental piece of information to be derived in order to constrain the formation mechanism(s) and evolution with time of the galaxies of different morphological type.
The SFH of a galaxy is imprinted in the integrated light emitted by the stellar populations it harbours. Stellar evolution theory provides the main tool to constrain a galaxy SFH from observations of its integrated magnitudes and spectra, for it enables us to predict spectral and photometric properties of stellar populations of varying ages and initial chemical compositions. So-called evolutionary population synthesis techniques have been devised to predict the age-dependent distribution of stars in the Colour-Magnitude-Diagram (CMD) -- from which the integrated photometric and spectral evolution of a generic stellar population can be obtained -- for arbitrarily chosen Initial Mass Function, Star Formation Rate and Age-Metallicity Relation.
Large libraries of stellar evolution models and isochrones, covering wide ranges of age and chemical composition, are an essential ingredient for population synthesis techniques to be effectively implemented, together with appropriate tools to predict synthetic CMDs, integrated magnitudes and spectra of stellar populations with an arbitrary SFH.
In the last years, we have realized a database of evolutionary predictions: BaSTI (a Bag of Stellar Tracks and Isochrones) (Pietrinferni et al. 2004, 2006, Cordier et al. 2007), specifically devised for population synthesis studies of resolved and unresolved stellar populations. This large database of evolutionary predictions satisfy the following thre

Last updated:2013-09-04