Description:The GridSimExtended is an improvement of GridSim toolkit, in particular in the network resources simulation.
The GridSim toolkit allows modeling and simulation of entities in parallel and distributed computing (PDC) systems-users, applications, resources, and resource brokers (schedulers) for design and evaluation of scheduling algorithms. It provides a comprehensive facility for creating different classes of heterogeneous resources that can be aggregated using resource brokers. for solving compute and data intensive applications. A resource can be a single processor or multi-processor with shared or distributed memory and managed by time or space shared schedulers. The processing nodes within a resource can be heterogeneous in terms of processing capability, configuration, and availability. The resource brokers use scheduling algorithms or policies for mapping jobs to resources to optimize system or user objectives depending on their goals.
This is a complete framework for simulation of distributed computing environments. But, it lacks the modelling of network traffic among different jobs. In fact, the network resources are simulated only for the traffic between SEs and WNs, that is only for the download operations. To develop an infrastructure able to manage the QoS, also the network traffic has to be considered. Several applications involved in the modern scenarios, need of the interactions between different jobs instantiated in different WNs.
The GridSimExtended was ideated to take into consideration also these scenarios. It extends the GridSim with Java Classes able to simulate, more deeply, the network traffic in a Grid Computing environment.
Software requirements: Java VM
Abstract:The GridSimExtended is an improvement of GridSim toolkit, in particular in the network resources simulation.<br>
The GridSim toolkit allows modeling and simulation of entities in parallel and distributed computing (PDC) systems-users, applications, resources, and resource brokers (schedulers) for design and evaluation of scheduling algorithms. It provides a comprehensive facility for creating different classes of heterogeneous resources that can be aggregated using resource brokers. for solving compute and data intensive applications. A resource can be a single processor or multi-processor with shared or distributed memory and managed by time or space shared schedulers. The processing nodes within a resource can be heterogeneous in terms of processing capability, configuration, and availability. The resource brokers use scheduling algorithms or policies for mapping jobs to resources to optimize system or user objectives depending on their goals. <br>
This is a complete framework for simulation of distributed computing environments. But, it lacks the modelling of network traffic among different jobs. In fact, the network resources are simulated only for the traffic between SEs and WNs, that is only for the download operations. To develop an infrastructure able to manage the QoS, also the network traffic has to be considered. Several applications involved in the modern scenarios, need of the interactions between different jobs instantiated in different WNs.
<br>The GridSimExtended was ideated to take into consideration also these scenarios. It extends the GridSim with Java Classes able to simulate, more deeply, the network traffic in a Grid Computing environment.
<BR><BR><B>Software requirements</B>: Java VM

Last updated:2010-05-01