Description:WebSPN is a modeling tool for the analysis of non-Markovian stochastic Petri nets. It provides a discrete time approximation of the stochastic behaviour of the model which result in the possibility to analyse a wider class of Petri nets models with prd, prs and pri concurrently enabled generally distribuited transitions. WebSPN also allows the mapping from UML models (which represent a software architecture in the performance analysis domain) to proper Petri net models.
The tool consists of two
the user interface: allow the user to specify the Petri net that he wants to study, by simply drawing it on the screen, or extracting from a UML model; it is implemented in Java language.
the analysis engine: analyses the net and computes the measures required by the user. It is implemented in C language. The analysis can be executed on a cluster by mean of MPI library. In particular the MPI-CH implementation is used.
Originally the application was developed following a client/server paradigm model but recentelly it has been ported to the Grid with the name GridSPN. The user can specify the Petri net and the measures that he want to compute throw the user interface which also produce the JDL file and all the scripts that are necessary for the submission to the Grid. Afterwards the user can execute the analysis engine on the Grid and retrive the results at the end of the execution.
Software requirements: MPI-CH^
Abstract:WebSPN is a modeling tool for the analysis of non-Markovian stochastic Petri nets. It provides a discrete time approximation of the stochastic behaviour of the model which result in the possibility to analyse a wider class of Petri nets models with prd, prs and pri concurrently enabled generally distribuited transitions. WebSPN also allows the mapping from UML models (which represent a software architecture in the performance analysis domain) to proper Petri net models.
The tool consists of two <br>the user interface: allow the user to specify the Petri net that he wants to study, by simply drawing it on the screen, or extracting from a UML model; it is implemented in Java language.
<br>the analysis engine: analyses the net and computes the measures required by the user. It is implemented in C language. The analysis can be executed on a cluster by mean of MPI library. In particular the MPI-CH implementation is used.
<br>Originally the application was developed following a client/server paradigm model but recentelly it has been ported to the Grid with the name GridSPN. The user can specify the Petri net and the measures that he want to compute throw the user interface which also produce the JDL file and all the scripts that are necessary for the submission to the Grid. Afterwards the user can execute the analysis engine on the Grid and retrive the results at the end of the execution.
<BR><BR><B>Software requirements</B>: MPI-CH^

Last updated:2010-05-01