Description:Chimera is a 4pi detector with high granularity and geometrical efficiency located at the LNS (Laboratori Nazionali del Sud in Catania). It has been built to study heavy ion reactions in the intermediate energy range (E/A between 20 and 100 MeV). Constituted by 1192 Si-CsI(Tl) telescopes. Chimera is operational since year 2000. Many campaigns of experiments have been accomplished at LNS based on a huge scientific collaboration of CHIMERA/ISOSPIN scientists as well of foreign collaborations. The quantity of data produced (about 500 Gbytes data can be stored in about a beam-time week during experiments and calibration of the detector), the needs of big storage disk space for data and analysis results, the intense use of cpu-time during the analysis phase gave us the motivation to start the collaboration with the PI2S2 GRID project
The main application that has been ported on the grid framework is the off-line data analysis of the CHIMERA detector: the ISOSPIN program. The main goal of the isospin program is the readout and decoding of the \ rough\ data stored during the experiment and the production of physical events containing all the relevant physical quantities (energy, mass, velocity, charge, Time-of-Flight, etc) needed for the reaction study. To this aim the Isospin program load a database (whose data generally can vary from one experiment to another) containing the data for about 4000 parameters of the detector used by calibration and particles identification procedures. The program is constituted by various modules written in Fortran95, C and C++ languages. It is interfaced with external libraries used in data analysis for heavy ions and particle physics like the CERNLIB and the ROOTLIB.
The Isospin porting on grid has been done on a double way: from one side the program\’s authors have simplified the Isospin interface towards the parameters database defining a soft script language that helps the user to define the list of resources and data needed for the complete analysis of the experimen
Abstract:Chimera is a 4pi detector with high granularity and geometrical efficiency located at the LNS (Laboratori Nazionali del Sud in Catania). It has been built to study heavy ion reactions in the intermediate energy range (E/A between 20 and 100 MeV). Constituted by 1192 Si-CsI(Tl) telescopes. Chimera is operational since year 2000. Many campaigns of experiments have been accomplished at LNS based on a huge scientific collaboration of CHIMERA/ISOSPIN scientists as well of foreign collaborations. The quantity of data produced (about 500 Gbytes data can be stored in about a beam-time week during experiments and calibration of the detector), the needs of big storage disk space for data and analysis results, the intense use of cpu-time during the analysis phase gave us the motivation to start the collaboration with the PI2S2 GRID project
The main application that has been ported on the grid framework is the off-line data analysis of the CHIMERA detector: the ISOSPIN program. The main goal of the isospin program is the readout and decoding of the \ rough\ data stored during the experiment and the production of physical events containing all the relevant physical quantities (energy, mass, velocity, charge, Time-of-Flight, etc) needed for the reaction study. To this aim the Isospin program load a database (whose data generally can vary from one experiment to another) containing the data for about 4000 parameters of the detector used by calibration and particles identification procedures. The program is constituted by various modules written in Fortran95, C and C++ languages. It is interfaced with external libraries used in data analysis for heavy ions and particle physics like the CERNLIB and the ROOTLIB.
The Isospin porting on grid has been done on a double way: from one side the program\’s authors have simplified the Isospin interface towards the parameters database defining a soft script language that helps the user to define the list of resources and data needed for the complete analysis of the experimen

Last updated:2010-05-01