Name:Pierre Auger (GISELA)
Description:Pierre Auger Experiment
Abstract:The Pierre Auger Experiment is designed to study the cosmic rays radiation in the ultra high-energy regime (1018-1020 eV) and is currently taking data as the deployment goes on. An intense simulation activity is planned in order to analyze the recorded data, which show a large variability in the primary energy (over 2 orders of magnitude), in zenith angles, presumably also in the primary mass. In addition, showers with the same primary energy-zenith-mass have different longitudinal and lateral profiles, because of the intrinsic stochastic development of the cascade in the atmosphere.<BR/>The southern Auger Observatory, located near the small town of Malargüe (province of Mendoza, Argentina) is nearly completed and is taking data regularly.<BR/>A large number of simulated and reconstructed showers is in this case required by the need of covering all the available phase space (energy-zenith-mass) with simulated data in order to understand the real data behaviour.<BR/>The number of required simulated data increases further on, if one wants to use different hadronic models to describe the data, or if one wants to face particular tasks (such as trigger or acceptance studies, in which a time-dependent detector simulation is desired).<BR/>At the present status, two simulation codes, CORSIKA (COsmic Ray SImulations for KAscade) and Aires (AIRshower Extended Simulations), allow a complete tri-dimensional treatment of the development of the cascade, but need long CPU times to generate a shower, especially at the highest energies. Other codes, such as Conex, need shorter CPU times, but allow a mono-dimensional simulation of the cascade, which is suitable only for fluorescence detector analysis or for fast hybrid simulations. The cited codes are all used inside the Pierre Auger collaboration together with the official simulation and reconstruction tool (Auger Offline).<BR/>The possibility of using this specific software in a Grid environment can speed up every step of the simulation-reconstruction chain, can allow hybrid an

Last updated:2011-05-10