Name:Seismic Sensor (EPIKH)
Description:Seismic Sensor Grid
Abstract:The purpose of this application is to contribute to the integration of different signals coming from the institutions that operate networks seismic observation in the country in order to allow automatic real-time sending of the signals generated in different regions to registration and processing centeres based on the Earthworm system used for the acquisition, storage, processing and exchange of information received from stations field.<BR/><BR/>The accelerographs used have the ability to generate a continuous output serial data with information from the acceleration of field in three orthogonal directions. The device has a sampling rate of 100 samples per second. Earthworm is an automated system for processing seismic data, free distribution, developed mainly in C language. The automatic system used has been designed to run on various types of computers and operating systems, which provides independence between institutions but in turn enables interaction between them to operate as a single system. Operation mechanisms is based on command line interfase that perform specific tasks. Earthworm has been designed for modular operation, so that each of its functions is encapsulated in a module operates independently of other.<BR/><BR/>Its main features are:<BR/><BR/> * Acquisition of data recorders from both analog and digital<BR/> * Location and automatic notification of seismic events<BR/> * Generation of events by algorithm STA / LTA<BR/> * Engraving disk continuous seismic traces<BR/> * Storage of events in various formats<BR/> * Enables communication with IP protocols and serial<BR/> * Exchange of data in real time with other systems Earthworm<BR/>Figure 2<BR/><BR/>The Earthworm system consists of a set of modules that perform tasks specific and communicate with each other by sending and receiving messages, this message-passing environment is held in shared memory regions in rings within a single computer or between several. A special module receives the data that are sent by the acceleromet

Last updated:2011-05-03