Description:Provides an up to date cache of authorised VM imagelists and VM images.
Abstract:Allows users to subscribe to virtual machine Virtual Machine Image Lists following the HEPIX Virtualisation working groups specification, cache the images referenced to in the Virtual Machine Image List, validate the images list with x509 based public key cryptography, and validate the images against sha512 hashes in the images lists and provide events for further applications to process updates or expiries of virtual machine images without having to further validate the images.
This software is available at:
Full documentation is here:
Yum repositories with stable releases are available here:
The software is based upon a simple database that stores subscriptions to Virtual Machine Image Lists, who can sign the Virtual Machine Image List, and which images belong to which subscriptions. It allows images to selected for subscription.
Subscribed images can be downloaded verified and cached. Cached images can be verified, and if invalid or expired they are moved to an expiry directory.
Add and delete multiple subscriptions to Virtual Machine Image Lists.
Update subscriptions checking authenticity of the message useng x509 based signatures.
Automation as a cron script.
Subscribe and unsubscribe to images from Virtual Machine Image Lists.
Download verify images into a local cache.
Expire images to an archive when no longer endorsed or corrupt.
This set of applications are designed to provide a similar work flow from each area of control to the Virtual Machine Image List{.literal} archive.
vmcatcher_endorser - Endorsers of Virtual Machine Image List subscriptions.
vmcatcher_subscribe - Subscription list details.
vmcatcher_image - Image details.
vmcatcher_cache - Cache images and update events.

Last updated:2012-09-25