Description:ZEUS-MP is the latest addition to the ZEUS line of community application codes developed by the Laboratory for Computational Astrophysics. The \ MP\ suffix denotes the \ multi-physics,\ \ massively parallel,\ and \ message passing\ aspects of the code. The physics suite in this release of ZEUS-MP includes gas hydrodynamics, ideal MHD, flux-limited radiation diffusion, self gravity, and multispecies advection. Hydrodynamic, radiation-hydrodynamic (RHD), and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations can be performed on 1, 2, or 3-dimensional grids. Self-gravity is supported in all dimensions and can be calculated with a variety of methods, depending on geometry, dimensionality, and boundary conditions. Methods include: (1) GM/r on 1D or 2D spherical grids; (2) a conjugate-gradient Poisson solver on 2D or 3D spherical and cylindrical grids; (3) a multigrid-based Poisson solver on 3D cartesian grids with non-periodic boundary conditions, and (4) a Fast Fourier Transform solver for 3D cartesian grids with triply-periodic boundaries. External point-mass potentials are also supported.^
Abstract:ZEUS-MP is the latest addition to the ZEUS line of community application codes developed by the Laboratory for Computational Astrophysics. The \ MP\ suffix denotes the \ multi-physics,\ \ massively parallel,\ and \ message passing\ aspects of the code. The physics suite in this release of ZEUS-MP includes gas hydrodynamics, ideal MHD, flux-limited radiation diffusion, self gravity, and multispecies advection. Hydrodynamic, radiation-hydrodynamic (RHD), and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations can be performed on 1, 2, or 3-dimensional grids. Self-gravity is supported in all dimensions and can be calculated with a variety of methods, depending on geometry, dimensionality, and boundary conditions. Methods include: (1) GM/r on 1D or 2D spherical grids; (2) a conjugate-gradient Poisson solver on 2D or 3D spherical and cylindrical grids; (3) a multigrid-based Poisson solver on 3D cartesian grids with non-periodic boundary conditions, and (4) a Fast Fourier Transform solver for 3D cartesian grids with triply-periodic boundaries. External point-mass potentials are also supported.^

Last updated:2010-05-01
Rating votes:1
Rating score:4 / 5